Genetic Counseling

Why Genetic Counseling is Important:
Making Informed Health Decision

Genetic counseling is a vital process where individuals or families receive expert guidance on inherited genetic conditions. It helps them understand their genetic conditions/risks, make informed decisions, and explore options for preventive care. By providing clear, unbiased information, genetic counselors empower individuals to address potential health issues early and effectively. The counseling also offers emotional support and ethical guidance, helping families navigate the complexities of genetic information and its impact on their lives and future generations.

Genetic counselor explains about?

  • Genetic Basis and Risks
  • Testing Options
  • Personalized Action Plan
  • Support Services

When should you recommend an individual for genetic counselling

  • Positive family history of Genetic conditions or birth defects
  • Individuals planning/married in Consanguinity:
  • Mothers with advanced maternal Age:
  • Parents wishing to plan a healthy family:
  • Females with Bad obstetric history or multiple miscarriages:
  • Families with affected/deceased child with a Genetic Condition:
  • Pregnant females with abnormal antenatal findings and/or screening Tests
  • Families with Cancer history or Young onset cancers

Benefits of Progenics genetic counselling

For the Clinicians

For the Individuals

Family History Insight

Test Recommendations

Collaborative Care

Patient Communication

Risk Management

Improved Outcomes

Risk Understanding

Informed Choices

Emotional Support

Preventive Measures

Reproductive Planning

Resource Access

Few important areas where GC is helpful

Rare Genetic Disorders – Support for rare or family-specific conditions.

Infertility – Addressing recurrent miscarriages, reasons underlying infertility.

Prenatal and Preconception  Risk assessment before/during pregnancy.

Newborn Screening – Screens newborn babies and follow-up of abnormal newborn test results.

Pediatric – Addressing birth defects, developmental delays.

Neuro Genetics ​- Managing neurodegenerative disorders.

Cardiovascular Genetics ​-  Evaluating inherited heart conditions.

Pharmacogenetics ​-  Understanding genetic impacts on medication.

Personalized Medicine ​- Tailoring care based on genetics

Cancer Genetics – Assessing hereditary cancer risks.

                               Pre-Test Counseling:

  • Evaluates family history and medical records.
  • Explains the Condition.
  • Suggests appropriate testing Options
  • Discusses risks-benefits of testing
  • Calculates recurrence risk
  • Highlights possible uncertainties due to limited knowledge.
  • Discusses reproductive options.



                          Post-Test Counseling:

  • Interprets and explains the test results.
  • Explains potential need for further testings.
  • Educates on management options.
  • Addresses emotional and social concerns.
  • Discusses about the impact of the results on the individual and family.
  • Provides information on support groups and other resources.

Schedule Your Genetic Counseling Session with Progenics

   Progenics is committed to providing expert genetic counseling tailored to your needs. 

   We offer both in-person and virtual counseling sessions. 

   Our in-person services are currently available in Hyderabad and Vizag. 

   To schedule your session, please complete the booking form or contact us directly at 8977507781

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